News and Insights

Building a Better Brand for The Driskill Foundation

Jiarong Li, Publisher

Curious future doctors, scientists and scholars rely on The Driskill Foundation to help focus their future. Driskill relies on Grady Campbell.

The Driskill Foundation is a Chicago-based private, nonprofit organization that’s on a mission to make a significant impact on technical and scientific achievement, and progressive learning programs. Superbly qualified candidates become “Driskill Scholars” in prestigious training grounds like Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

Grady Campbell is helping The Driskill Foundation focus and transform its brand (strategically, technically and creatively) from the ground up. The result is a new brand strategy, visual identity, voice, website, social platform, programs and video.

“Our new brand means a stronger future for Driskill, and for everyone we support,” says Driskill President and CEO, June Barnard. “Our new brand strategy, mission and vision are the pathways to an exciting future.”

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