News and Insights

There’s Nothing Artificial About GCI Intelligence

Thalia Kalodimos, Sr. Writer

Robots aren’t just heading from the “off-world colonies” to the global workplace–they’re already here. The remake of Blade Runner shows how remarkably “futuristic” the present has become. There may be no “replicants” roaming earth, but arguably higher, artificial, intelligence is here now. It can build a basic website in no time, crunch market data, handle a rapid-fire conveyer belt (with no Lucy and Ethel antics) even write blog content (almost as flavorful as a writer at Grady Campbell.) Has AI mastered sophisticated nuance, discretion, humor, artistry? Can software or digital “solutions” replace experienced professionals?

Not just yet.

Quartz Media assures us, “Entrepreneurs that can utilize old solutions to solve new problems or that can magically see the future won’t be replaced any time soon. And pushing the envelope into the unknown is still something that only humans do…”

However, AI is slowly creeping up on us…

A 2016 report published by World Economic Forum estimates that up to 5.1 million jobs could be lost over the next five years in the world’s top 15 economies due to disruptive labor market developments such as Artificial Intelligence. AI Business reports, “It is more likely that people’s jobs will simply evolve so that they may work alongside AI. People will still have their jobs, but their duties and responsibilities will likely be different.”

Professionals working in creative industries have a lot to gain from this technology. AI has the potential to handle the repetitive “grunt work” and make more strategic creative thinking time for designers who do that best.

Grady Campbell provides that strategic, creative thinking about your brand and understands the value of design as only an expert can. “If your strategy, your reputation, your image isn’t working, you’re losing,” says Kerry Grady, Principal. “The more people who know you, the easier it is for you to get traction. Custom design is better than artificial intelligence… It’s worth your investment.”

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