There is work. The all week, 9 to 5, kind. Then there is heart work. When skills, talents, and energy all come together as a force for good. That’s the kind of life-changing work that happens at Adoption Center of Illinois. It’s the kind of work Grady Campbell values and supports.
The Adoption Center of Illinois is a community of partners, parents, and advisors who are singularly committed to doing what is best for children and families. While the Center has accomplished much in its 25 years, they wanted to stretch — to do more, serve more. And Grady Campbell wanted to help. Working with the Center’s leadership, we created a new brand vision and visual identity, and a website that’s more engaging for birth parents. The new logo symbolizes a community of hearts: birth parents, adoptive parents and the community-at-large, and expresses the organization’s passion and pulse.

Website and Identity

Company Brochure